This is awesome and most excellent job I will treasure it on my library. Every elder-shepherd in every congregation in every corner of the globe MUST READ AND PRACTISE INSIGTHS brother JJ Turner has demonstrated, I hope if these thoughts will be in the minds of current elder-CEOs so the church will experience real transformation and will no longer have Church of Christ Visitation workers- AND no longer keep evanelists/gospel ministers busy doing the work of elder-top church bosses.
-Those who fail to follow God's pattern for elder-shepperd in the Church of Christ, are indirectly speaking to express their lack of desire for the Lord's work. So the best thing for them to do is just stand down and pave the way for those who will develop God's desire for elder-shepherd position. If they do not resign, they will set disastrous examples, which most churches are experiencing now by having elder/top-church-bosses.
To you brother JJ Turner: Keep up the ggood work of working with God to transform the minds of elder-top church bosses... May the Almighty Living God be with your spirit.
Laws Kandamwala..
Church of Christ
London- United Kingom.