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Let This Cup Pass - Publishing Designs

Let This Cup Pass book cover
  • Title: Let This Cup Pass
  • Author: Jane McWhorter
  • ISBN: 9781945127106
  • Our Price: $12.95
  • Description:

    Jane McWhorter regained consciousness in a hospital bed after a head-on collision, and she soon learned that her face was crushed, plus her back and limbs sustained numerous other injuries. In a moment, her life changed. ''I learned how years of constant pain can eat into the very core of one's being,'' she said.

    Rather than blaming God for her agony, Jane chose a path of understanding: Why does God allow suffering? She found a deeper faith and realization of God's purposes. Her research into the Scripture and her first-hand experiences with affliction are poured into Let This Cup Pass.

    The book has survived its author and serves as a timeless reminder that suffering is a common denominator of humankind. Let This Cup Pass continues to strengthen and encouraging those challenged with troubles. For example, Jane poses two questions and then gives several answers from a biblical perspective: ''How can we prepare before troubles come?'' and ''How can we handle problems when they come?'' A list of specific problems make up nine additional chapters, some of which are ''The Cup of Feeling Inadequate'' and ''The Cup of Loneliness.''

    When the reader completes this study, she will know without a doubt that Jane McWhorter is teaching what she knows. The book is valuable, both to one under the duress of tribulation and the one whose life is rosy. Jane stresses being prepared, as well as the benefits of awareness and service to the suffering.

    What a great gift, or personal Bible study, or group study this book makes! 13 chapters with questions.

    Have a look at the table of contents and a sample from Chapter Two of Let This Cup Pass.

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