Description: Perhaps the most important lesson I have learned is that Christians should remove their always-smiling, always-happy, always-untroubled masks.
-Jane McWhorter
Now I Can Fly is the first in an ongoing series of women's class books by Jane McWhorter. The series is Silver Linings.
Decades ago, Jane McWhorter wrote Now I Can Fly, along with Let This Cup Pass, She Hath Done What She Could, and Caterpillars or Butterflies. However, she felt that each book needed to be revised in content and format. She also plans to add other books to the series.
Now I Can Fly is filled with practical guidelines for daily challenges.
- How can I reduce my stress level?
The new book is attractively formatted with room for note-taking--also thought-questions and fill-in-the-blanks stimulate diligent study. Readers are impressed with the quotes and resources that are so down-to-earth. But best of all, Jane leans on the Bible as final authority for each situation.
So get rid of excess baggage, face your imperfections, navigate around stress. Focus on God's instrument panel and embark on a new and victorious life. Soar in God's silver linings with Jane's Now I Can Fly!
An inexperienced driver swerved into oncoming traffic and met four south-bound family members head-on. The father, son, and daughter were hospitalized. The young mother? "Not a chance!" the doctors said.
God had a different plan. During the long months that her life vacillated between life and death, Jane McWhorter was catapulted into a higher orbit. God's "Silver Linings" soon became apparent. Forty years later, Jane reflects, "Had it not been for the accident, I probably would never have written any books."
Lessons from Jane's stormy season are making their debut in a special series, Silver Linings. Familiar titles, revised contents.